Epihealing: a new paradigm for wellbeing

What is Wellness?
Wellness is the experience that you are essentially unbeatable, that nothing can spoil your day, that you are alive, vital, self-assured, and that you are in a state of well-being.
It is about your ability to make positive, healthful decisions, and, consequently, your capacity to enjoy life and be well.
The majority of us believe that the reality we experience is due to the circumstances of life, which in turn is equal to the source of our suffering. The truth is that, when looking at our lives holistically, our circumstances have no bearing on our level of joy, happiness, or health. The final outcome is ultimately determined by the type and amount of energy used and available to us.
The truth about symptoms & disease
A New Paradigm for healing
The avante-garde paradigm of wellbeing that NetworkSpinal and SomatoRespiratory Integration represent is not based on the presence or absence of symptoms, illnesses, or diseases.
This new paradigm—known as EpiHealing —is based on more than three decades of academic research and remarkable healing outcomes. It connects centuries-old wisdom with cutting-edge science, and body-mind-spirit understandings and applications. My goal is to assist you in enhancing your well-being through energy-efficient living and increased resourcefulness.
Reality is not what it seems
I do not wish to return you to how "you used to be" before you experienced the symptoms because I know that you are more than your illness, disease, symptom, or condition.
The need to use energy and information more efficiently, which is a crucial component of all symptoms and diseases, allows the body's natural intelligence to develop more poweful solutions for you, your body, your life, and how you affect other people.
The EpiHealing techniques I utilize enable you to engage more fully in life and advance your being to the point where you are no longer solely defined by your illness, past limitations, pain, or lab results.
As a result, many of your previous concerns—as well as the energetics that anchored them—are replaced with a more authentic, improved, and vital version of yourself.
Disease and its symptoms are a signal that an upgrade is required. Their purpose is to disrupt your life while allowing your innate wisdom to guide you to change the way you approach life and the way you typically use information and energy.
When the body interprets an experience as challenging, frightening, or overwhelming that information is broken up and retained by the body and the Field around us . This protective mechanism can weaken your body and mind over time, resulting in disease, and requires more energy to keep the fragmented information hidden.
With EpiHealing strategies, the previously bound-up energy becomes freed, integrated and available for healing yourself, as well as, being liberated into the Field to inspire others.
As additional energy becomes available you will thrive and experience greater degrees of integrated or cohesive expression of health and vitality. You will go beyond the commonly held ideas of what is possible in healing, develop greater resourcefulness, and thus will be more capable of making a significant impact on yourself, your surroundings, and on others.