Welcome to Illuminare Wellness

Transform Your Life with leading-edge chiropractic and energetic methods
Experience a new paradigm of wellness and energy-efficient living with NETWORKSPINAL

an EpiHealing application of Chiropractic
Transforming lives utilizing Donny Epstein's EpiHealing and EpiLiving technologies
At Illuminare Wellness, we embrace a revolutionary approach to health and wellness by integrating cutting-edge science and ancient wisdom to enhance your wellbeing and your life beyond traditional definitions of wellness, illness and symptoms.

Over 100,000+
Years in practice
clients served
Continents served
Epihealing & EpiLiving Services
Transform wellbeing with these innovative practices that integrate body, mind, and spirit for a more optimized expression of health, wellness and quality of life.
Based on study and analysis from major universities, NetworkSpinal is the most recent development of more than 40 years of refining by Dr. Donny Epstein, the founder of "Network." helping to improve your neurological system so that you can heal at a profoundly personal level.
12 Stages of Healing
The 12 Stages of Healing is an EpiHealing modality created by Dr. Donny Epstein. By cultivating energy resourcefulness, it enables you to live a larger and more satisfying life and to have a greater impact on both yourself and other people.
Energy is the foundation and therefore the basis of life.
The quality of our life is directly proportional to our ability to connect with our innate wisdom, energetic assets and become more resourceful—thus letting our innate wisdom to effortlessly help you to heal, grow, transform, and evolve.
AlchemE Mentoring
Client Feedback
Discover how our services transform lives and enhance wellbeing.
You know, I love and am attracted to amazing teachers. But the most amazing among them mirror myself back to me. After the session with you, I first lay down and napped (me nap?) and then I did authentic movement. I haven't done it for so long. Just to move and let my body move. No head. No direction. No intent.... just guided by my heart and emotions. It felt sooooo good.
Internationally renowned artist, Vermont, USA
Dr. Abate, I want to express my deep appreciation to you and your care, which really helped me get out from depression and to open a new magic world! I loved working with you in NYC before, and I have been back to China and working as a life coach now!
Life Coach, Shanghai, China